Brushes made by Lolly for unique mark making.
art TALK
Join McMurray Art League members in once a month discussions with examples about leading artists or art facilities. Open to the public with a voluntary $5 donation for snacks and beverages. Feel free to do some research on these topics and add to discussion.
Schedule of art TALKS:
Sunday, March 26, 2023, 3-5 p.m………..Esther Heins of Boston, MA (1908-2007), botanical illustrator of trees in Harvard’s Arboretum and botanical illustrator for several journals. Discussion led by Peter Stamoolis
Sunday, April 30, 2023, 3-5 p.m………….Barnes Foundation (charted in 1922) in Philadelphia, has one of the world’s greatest collections of impressionist , post-impressionist and modern art. Discussion led by Sandy Conley
Sunday, May 21, 2023, 3-5 p.m…………..Mary Stevenson Cassatt (1844-1926), American painter born in Allegheny, PA (Pittsburgh’s North Side) but lived most of her adult life in France. Created images of the social and privates lives of women with emphasis on the bonds between mothers and children. Discussion led by Karen Vituccio